Siu lim tao seminar

Sporting Health Club Gothersgade 14, 2. sal, København K, Danmark

Deltaljeret gennemgang af form med nyeste updates, applikationer og træningsmetoder incl. bagvedliggende principper, strategier og taktikker. Personlige korrektioner og råd. Hele grundsystemet ligger i denne form og bør forstås og beherskes af alle udøvere.


Cham Kiu seminar

Sporting Health Club Gothersgade 14, 2. sal, København K, Danmark

Deltaljeret gennemgang af form og applikationer incl. bagvedliggende principper, strategier og taktikker, f.eks. kamp på afstand, den høje modstander, modstander med våben, flere modstandere.


Practical Wing Chun Spring Camp Croatia 2019

Vi gentager successen med PWC Spring-Camp i Kroatien fra onsdag den 29. maj til søndag den 2. juni 2019 (mere, bedre, smartere) Tag forskud på sommeren med dejligt badevejr ved stranden. Stedet er smukt og lige ved havet. Dagligt er der 4 timers PWC træning samt 1 times Qi Gong for de interesserede. Træningen vil […]


Graduation and training seminar

Sporting Health Club Gothersgade 14, 2. sal, København K, Danmark

You will be trained in all the elements of the curriculum to your level including methods/ techniques, tactics and strategies. You will get personal feedback from Sifu Martin for your own development. It will give you a great overview and understanding of your curriculum and you will know exactly what you need to improve for […]


Seminar on Sanda throws with Sifu Henrik Affe

Sporting Health Club Gothersgade 14, 2. sal, København K, Danmark

Seminar on Sanda throws with Sifu Henrik Affe, Saturday sep. 7th, 11-15 (4 hours). Location: SHC Gothersgade 14, 2. Floor. Copenhagen K Details: Sanda is Chinese Kickboxing including throws. The seminar is about throwing technics and how to setup throws. A very useful ability that any true Martial Artist should master. It’s a rear opportunity […]


Graduation and training seminar

Sporting Health Club Gothersgade 14, 2. sal, København K, Danmark

You will be trained in all the elements of the curriculum to your level including methods/ techniques, tactics and strategies.   You will get personal feedback from Sifu Martin for your own development.   It will give you a great overview and understanding of your curriculum and you will know exactly what you need to […]


Knife and double-knifes Seminar “Blade awareness”

Sporting Health Club Gothersgade 14, 2. sal, København K, Danmark

The knives is known as the jewel of Wing Chun and is often kept secret. The PWC knife system is amazing and I will love to share it with you. THEMES: principles, applications and training methods including skill transfer ability from armed to unarmed. Focus-points related to optimal mechanical movement patterns and advantage related strategies.


Long pole and blunt weapons seminar

Sporting Health Club Gothersgade 14, 2. sal, København K, Danmark

PWC Seminar about the Long Pole (Luk Dim Boon Kwun) and blunt weapons in general   Essential theory and guidelines, All the fundamental exercises with and without partners/opponents including 1. Stances and footwork 2. Lole control and positions 3. Power and precision drills 4. Target training 5. Forms with warrants and alle the basic techniques […]


Graduation and training seminar

Sporting Health Club Gothersgade 14, 2. sal, København K, Danmark

You will be trained in all the elements of the curriculum to your level including methods/ techniques, tactics and strategies. You will get personal feedback from Sifu Martin for your own development. It will give you a great overview and understanding of your curriculum and you will know exactly what you need to improve for […]


PWC kicking seminar

Sporting Health Club Gothersgade 14, 2. sal, København K, Danmark

Pwc Kocking seminar Agenda: 1. Theory (strategy and tactics) 2. Kicking technique (target+circuit) 3. Distance training (step and kick) 4. Counter kick 5. Counter step in (kick, sweep) 10. Counter step out 11. Counter stiffness 12. Pull and sweep 13. Push and kick Topics: 1. Fordele og ulemper ved forskellige spark 2. Vores kategorier af […]
